Arrange Virtual Ensembles with Automation.

Skip the high fees, long editing time, and complicated production. Create your virtual ensemble recording with a single click.

By Musicians, For Musicians
By Musicians, For Musicians

Our completely automated virtual ensemble editor was born out of the setbacks that COVID-19 had brought to musicians and music educators. With live performance out of question, virtual ensemble recordings were the solution. However, this came at a high price with some video editors charging up to $1000 per video: impossible to fund for many fine arts programs.

  • Budget Friendly
  • Client-First
  • Hands-Free
How To Use Amadeus
How To Use Amadeus
Completed in 3 Steps
Completed in 3 Steps
STEP 1: Record with a Clap

Instruct musicians to clap a set time period before playing at beginning of their recording. Our algorithm will use this as a benchmark to align the music in each individual clip.

STEP 2: Upload Videos

Upload all videos of individual recordings to Amadeus via our in-house editing portal. Our simple interface allows for quick project creation with ease.

STEP 3: Generate Virtual Ensemble

With the press of a button, Amadeus will queue your request to generate a virtual ensemble video, which will be ready for download in 24-48 hours.

Meet the Developer

Student. Programmer. Violist. Composer.

Meet the Developer

Student. Programmer. Violist. Composer.

Thomas YeumFounder, Developer

Hey, I'm Thomas, a computer science major at Columbia University. As a composer myself, I also experienced the frustrating reality of putting together virtual ensemble recordings. Hiring an editor is expensive and diy-ing your own version requires an ungodly amount of time. With music educators mainly using such virtual ensembles videos for performances to continue providing an immersive music education for students, I wanted to make this process just a little bit easier for everyone.

We made making virtual ensembles easier.

With the orchestras, choirs, bands in mind, we provide a by-musicians-for-musicians experience to simplify this process. We hope you enjoy it!